MicroHelp Library MASTERY LEARNING: Grammar (c) 1989 by Allen Hackworth Mastery Learning C O M P L E X (c) 1989 by Allen Hackworth Press ENTER to continue Press ENTER to continue Before working with this program, you should complete Subject/Verb and Parts of Speech. Press ENTER mb and Parts of Speech. Press ENTER C O M P L E X Make Your Choice Press 1 2 or 3 1 Tutorial 2 Test 3 Main Menu Memorize following: Press ENTER ___ ___ IC = Independent Clause DC = Dependent Clause A clause is -- a group of words with a subject and a verb. IC = Simple IC + IC = Compound DC + IC = Complex DC = Fragment IC + IC + DC = Compound Complex Here are some examples: Simple -- IC Comments: 2. All the other words are just modifiers. 3. This sentence follows the pattern -- simple. Press ENTER Here are some examples: Compound -- IC + IC Comments: 1. This sentence contains two independent clauses (IC's). 2. To be compound, we must join the IC's with a conjunction. 3. The conjunction will be a coordinate: and, or, but. Press ENTER Here are some examples: Compound/Complex IC+IC+DC Comments: 3. The two IC's are joined by ``and,'' a coordinate conjunction. Press ENTER Here are some examples: Complex --- DC + IC Comments: 3. ``Because'' is a subordinate conjunction. Press ENTER Here are some examples: Fragment -- DC or phrase Comments: 1. If the subordinate conjunctions ``because'' were not present, we would have two IC's. But we have two DC's. 2. A dependent clause can not stand alone. It needs an IC. Press ENTER End of Tutorial Press ENTER MASTERY LEARNING Grammar Test Press ENTER I will show you a question and you type the correct answer. Press ENTER Mastery Learning Grammar Test 1 Press ENTER One minute please . . . I'm building your test. M A S T E R Y L E A R N I N G : G R A M M A R Make Selection with Arrow Keys And Then Press ENTER. Press ESC to Quit Press D for Directions Report Card For Vocb Drills Affix Drills Grammar Drills 1st 1st S.V.IO.DO. 2nd 2nd Complex 3rd 3rd Clauses 4th 4th Verbals 5th 5th Capitals 6th 6th Parts/Speech 7th 7th Sub/Verb 8th 8th Punctuation Avg Avg Average PreTest Score To Print - Shift PrtSc and Log Out To Continue - ENTER Dear Student: First tell me which grammar test you want to take. Press 1 or 2 Mastery Learning Grammar Test 2 Press ENTER One Minute Please . . . I'm building your test. [ Mastery Learning: Grammar ] ? Page 1 of 2 The Mastery Learning: Grammar disks are designed to help you master basic English grammar. Your goal should be to get 100% on every drill. Each drill has a data base which is large enough to give some variety to the drills. Even- tually, you will get some of the same questions again. Before this happens, hopefully you will know the grammar concepts. If your score is low on the drill, be sure to study the tutorial. The tutorials are direct and clear. EVERY concept on the tutorials should be mastered. You will miss half the value of these disks if you avoid the tutorials. These disks are marketed as Allen Hackworth shareware. Pay $9.95 per disk to: Ricks College ' Rexburg, Idaho 83440 There are two 3 inch disks in the Mastery Learning: Grammar series or four 5 disks. The 5 inch disks are $4.95 each. [ ESC = Quit ENTER = Next Page ] [ Mastery Learning: Grammar ] < Page 2 of 2 The 5 inch disks series are organized as follows: Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk 3 Disk 4 Parts of Speech Clauses Case/Pronouns Gram Test 1 Subjects/Verbs Simple/Complex Metaphor/Simile Gram Test 2 Sentence Types Capitals Affix Drills Affix Final Pre-Test Punctuation Vocab Drills Vocab Final < Verbals Each disk has a report card which tracks scores. All the above programs are available with the two 3 inch disks. Tests which have an extension .tst can be modified by using any word processor which reads and writes DOS text files. Instructions for doing this are available for registered users. The .tst files on these disks can be used with a test/drill utility called, TMaker, only after they have been modified. TMaker sells for $19.95. It is a new, powerful utility which saves students and teachers much time. [ ESC = Quit ENTER = Next Page ] Q screens. [ ESC = Quit ENTER = Next Page ]